"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles by it."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Guide Lines.....

There are guide lines in Wicca I'd like to start off with. 1.) first and formost you must know yourself. Take some time think what you're about and not who your with. 2.) know your religion. Take the time and research what you're doing. Not just the Religion, but the laws too. There are books that will teach you. Know your rights. We are real and growing. 3.) Learn, learn, learn! Knowledge is one of the biggests of life in general. Wicca encourages you learn, wisdom is the key to everything. 4.) Next you need to apply that knowledge with wisdom. If not, you could harm someone and karma is a bitch. 5.) You need to achive balance in yourself and life. This is important it will offset everything. 6.) keep your thoughts and the words you speak in order. If the Goddess and God can mistake them, someone else can too. Be clear in with them. 7.)Life has too many strifes it will give you, celebrate it. Being alive is a gift in and of itself. 8.) Attune yourself with the cycles of our Earth Mother. Feel her energies within and allow them to bring you peace. 9.) Your mind is not all that needs to be refreshed learn to breathe correctly as well as to eat healthy. What our bodies take in affect us as well. 10.) Likewise, we must exercise all this is respect for your body. Without our health, we can not expect our magick to work properly either. 11.) Meditate. This does not mean sit and just follow the yoga of life. Meditation is clearing your mind, bringing you back to a state of relaxation and focus. If this means writing in a journal, painting, or something of that nature. Use it, not everyone finds the typical meditation relaxing or feesible to their lives. 12.) Magick must have meaning or it won't work. You must fully understand what you are doing and everything you are using. Knowledge here again. 13.) You know what you are looking for when you find Wicca, so follow your own spirit. Be your own guide. Progress with Wicca is yours alone and only yours, so pace it to what you envision. 14.) Your attitude means everything, admit to your mistakes and reward yourself when you get things right. This helps you progress in yourself and Wicca. 15.) And always honour the Goddess and God. They are always with you.

"This is a time that is not a time,
in a place that is not a place,
On a day that is not a day.
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
before the Gates of Asgard.
May the Ancient Ones help and protect me
on my magical journey."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just Setting Up Home

I just started setting up the blog so bare with me, please. Blessed Be.