"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles by it."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Common Terms and Vocabulary

"Do what thou wilt" - "follow your true will"

Balefire - a fire laid and lit for magickal or religious purposes, usually ourdoors. Balefires are tradition adjuncts to Wiccan ritual on Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer.

B.C.E.- Before Common Era; non religious equivalent of B.C.
C.E. - Common Era; nonreligious equivalent of A.D.

Handfasting - within Wicca, a ritual joining of two human beings in a bond of love and before the Goddess & God.

Night Hags - another name for owls.

Strix - Roman word meaning witch.

Abracadabra - ancient magickal word for "hurt me not"

Blood of the Moon - menstrual cycle

Blessed Be - Amen

Deosil - clockwise motion

Widdershins - counterclockwise motion

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