"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles by it."

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sacred Spaces

Creating the sacred space for which one meditates or works can be anywhere as long as it is a place you make your own. It is a cleared of feelings of negativity and gives you a sense of being that allows you to connect with yourself and the gods and goddesses. It should be your place to be alone.

When you find your scared space you will feel as sense of calm being, a place where trouble can not enter. This is crucial, it can not be sacred if ill feelings are felt. This space can be found in the woods, by the ocean, or mountains or even in your own yard. I would suggest keeping it somewhere you can get to and private. It is here that you can do such things as writing in your Book of Shadows. It is not a place for altars. That is something else entirely. If you feel the need you may bring candles and such to cast a circle of protection around yourself or to cleanse the space. This is up to you, say a prayer whatever you are comfortable with and feels right to you but make your way of handling it your own.
If you like look up some prayers and such see what they entail as examples. However, I highly recommend that you make your own. Using someone's just gives your space their touch. Think of it this way would you like someone to go through your personal belonging and arrange them their way? No, then why would you do so here. Using someone else's words can be allowed in some cases, but the more personal something is to you the more personal the words and actions should be that of your own.
Some of the other points of importance is yourself. You should not go after a work out or filthy. This brings a sense of negativity. May sure you feel clean, if it means a shower or a special outfit that relaxes you and makes you feel positive. You will bring that energy with you to your space. Bring incense if you need to help. the area you chose should have the ambiance you need, but you can add to it if you like.
You need to have this balance between body, mind and spirit especially when working on something as sacred as your Book of Shadows. You need clarity and a spiritual sense when doing this. As you write you will apply that energy into your work, thus making your book that much more powerful in the future when using it and that is why it works. All your energies, no matter when you apply them should always be well meaning and positive. The main rule of Wicca, after all it 'an it harm none, do as thou wilt.'

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